The Architect

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

To Bitch or Not to Bitch 2.0

What it do people... Quick Question..? Where is your Bitch Now!!!

Where is Your Bitch...??

A while ago I respond to a question from one of our female members as it pertained to dealing with Money. Or their relationship with money... And that's what this post is about... Your relationship with money.

This year I posted a post entitled Emotional Withdraws of Poverty and another post on not spending money for the first half of the year. Both basically dealt with sacrifice and self control. Now I want to come at you from a different angle. An angle closer to home....


So let's get into some simple but yet deep game. Money!! Now Money or Currency is directly corresponds with the female principle or energy. Now think about this. You give a female your seed and what happens? She cultivates it and returns matured prophet. *Jesus* That's the ideal dynamic. I want to address the Human dynamic. What really happens. And that takes you!!! So what's your relationship with women? How do you handle Bitches? What are your thoughts of Bitches?

Are bitches NOT SHIT? Do you often say "Fuck these Bitches" or "Fuck bitches, Get Money!!" That a fucking double negative. Your relationship with money is directly related with how you think of Bitches. How so? Because remember, money correlates with the feminine principle of nature!

Are you a nurture of women? I bet you do not nurture your money either. Do you control your women? I bet your controlling over your women too. Do you just obtain women and numbers then let them slip through your hands? I bet your money does the same thing! Are you scared of Bitches? Well guess what.... Here's a big one.... Do you just go to work and expect your check to be there on Friday? Well I bet on Friday night.... You go to the club or bar and exert the same action!!!

So the game in this post is simple:

1. Sit down and derive a plan of ACTION for you relationship with money.
    A. What do you desire your money to look like? What kind of vehicle does it drive? What kind of clothes does it wear? Is your money ratchet? Do you want a college educated Money or Street Smart money?

    B. Plan how you will approach or obtain your money. What will your opening line be? Is your money giving you choosing signs? Are your recognizing the choosing signs?

    C. Gather a rapport on your money. That's right Talk to your money. "Money!! How are you today? What did you do today? Money that was dumbs as fuck!!! Money what do you bring to the table besides Looks!!"


    D. Build a relationship with your Money/ Nurture your
Money. "Money here's what I'm about. This is what I want to do. Here's what I need you to do. Do you have any issues with your position, because if so.... I can find NEW MONEY to replace your ass with the quickness"

For my players, Screen your money like you screen bitches. "Bitch where have you been? Didn't I tell you to be back at 11? So where have you been? Who lost their keys and kept you out all night? What's their number? (Then call em and get on their ass too about your money/Bitch) if your that kind of nigga.

     E. Engage and Marry your Money. (Peep Rev B. Gatez post on marriage and how the bitch is blind. And treat your money like that) This is where empires are built. And your seeds start to spread. Would you allow another nigga to fuck your bitch? Would you allow your bitch to spend the night at another niggas house? Then why do you allow your money to?

To end this. Out... Do you trick on bitches? Is it feasible to trick on bitches? You can't buy bitches so you can't buy Money. S/O to Forex!!!

Think on that and "Eat Whole Foods"
~HighLife Phi

Monday, October 13, 2014

To Bitch or Not To Bitch 1.0


A while back I, so called, got checked by a simp associate of mines via twitter. In which he attempts to pull my coat on my use of the term bitch in my reference to the female gender. I call him a simp because I know he only asked me that publicly in hopes of finding favor in the female audience watching. Peep he weak as game and spit back " Because I consider all women to be Bitchez until proven otherwise!" He wasn't worthy of receiving further light of the situation even though I felt his frustration and ignorance to my philosophy. Fuck him, ni**a how you gone check a player when you initiated tha  exchange by pulling my coat as to where you can find quality hoes in my city.

But here I will explain my philosophy on the matter because y'all my people's. and some may feel some kind of way about my regular use of the term, its purpose, and how it pertains to the integrity of the game.

Bitch until proven other wise.
I see every female is a Bitch, for she carries with her the game and mind of that which is outside of mines. You see let's take a look at what a bitch is...

A bitch is a female dog! No disrespect to women and this is not to disrespect or degrade women. Hell,  I like dogs! Dogs are man's bestfriend. What does a dog do? It does what it's owner tells it to do. It operates off of the instruction of its master. Now if I have not told this Bitch to do anything, what information is she operating off of? That of another man! A man that I have never met and have no knowledge of its effect or intent as it pertains to me. This Bitch might have been train to bite me. I don't know! Maybe she not a bitch at all, but I don't for I have not interacted with her to peep the game that lies within.

Now once I have gain access to the game that she is impregnated with it may show true that she is a bitch indeed! In which I will continue to address her as such. How will I know if she is indeed a bitch? Well let's elevate and get a birds eye view. Upon my attempt to build a rapport with her and extract the seed of game which she carries. It will be revealed to me if the seeds in which she carries a danger to me or not. Now this alone will not elevate her above that of a bitch. This revelation will only reward me of with tha game necessary to determine if she is MY Bitch or another Man Bitch! Is she a ally bitch or a threat bitch?

In order to raise her self above that of a bitch she must be raised under my game and impregnated with my seed of game. Therefore making her my wife. Her failure to agree or display this ability does not make her a bad person or lesser value in her person and character. It only means she's the Bitch of another man or the wife of another man. For she has shown me that she if full or carrying the game that is in opposition of mines. Therefore making her not tha bitch for me.

Now there are just Bitchez. Stray Bitchez that just rebuke the game all together. And there are also queens out there who have the ability to walk side by side with you through this game. And there are queens building freelance empires without kings.

So don't think every women is a Bitch. Just take into consideration  the possibility that she may be a bitch until she proves to you otherwise!

Chuuch~ HighLife Phi.

Ps. Every woman doesn't have to be a Queen or my Wife to kick it. I got room for Bitchez too. Lmaoo!! Chuuch.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Tha Killing of tha Queen

Peace... I already know you misogynistic mfs are gonna like this drop, but this is really an issue that black women need to comprehend fully. And they themselves need to initiate this ritual.

Now I have a motto I implement often when confronted or engaging a woman/women and they come at me with that "Queen" shit. Especially when dealing with holistic sisters... And I use this same motto of reason...

"If you're coming at me with that Queen shit. Cool! But ima need you to come from at least two generation of wealth. Or at a minimum, two generations of Winning Bitches"

Now thats some real shit. This is America. You can be whatever you want to be. But theres an obligation that you must fulfill to justify the use of any title. Now two generations of bitches winning is a good resume in the black community. Enough to justify a young lady wanting to call herself a Queen. I can dig that even know im not gonna call any female queen. But I dig the motivation behind it, but if your a basic bitch and come from a history of basic bitches, yet decided to make a change.  Good for you. Yet, you're not a queen. You merely attempting to escape poverty.  Bitch you're are a fugitive, but I digress. (Same with niggas talking King shit, yet own No Real Estate)

Now, this Queen title is nothing more than a damaged inflated ego and has no realistic backing behind it. These feminist women who are big on it, need to kill that noise and produce some results. Bitch school and a degree is not enough. To be a true queen you must be a true Winner! Bitch tell me you paid your student loans off in two years and I'll be impressed.... Tell me your mother owns her own company. Tell me your Grandmother owned that same company before her and bitch now we talking....

Two Generations of Winning/Wealth vs The Killing of the Queen


Tha Killing of tha King 2.0

Peep ye shall See.... This for the cats with 4 eyes. Also known as the cats that can see the game on 4 level or the 4 houses. I may go through the 4 level at another time, but for now I will say simply that the 4th level is Creation or Rebirth....

Now The King also denotes The Self or The I. (In Religious Narratives or cultures). Now first and foremost, many religious cats cannot deliver this level of game, ironically because of their religion. You have to transcend outside of your house to see it for what it is. Cats think they know, but truly have no fucking Idea... I'll put it like this, in religious text ie the bible, "In the beginning" Even God created light before deeming "it" to be good, but I digress.

Now in my breakdown of the King archetype thread, I told cats that there is NO King outside of Religion. There is no Religion out side of the King. That is a Heavy Fact. That is Heavy Game within "ItSelf".

The King is the I... Now let that sink in, cause we are bout to get surgical.  I is the Self. The Self is the Ego. The Ego is The Crown....

The King is.... He who wears the crown, I... Me, Myself, Yourself. Self identity. Separation from the All. Now im gonna reason for a second with the biblical prophecy in order to clarify on a certain degree...

Reason: Had Adam & Eve not sinned in the garden of eden, Jesus would not have been sent to die for sins, the bible would not have been created.

Now what was the orginal sin or what is sin in the biblical context. "I" Adam's sin was the creation of a self "I"dentity. A separation from the All. When Adam created a Self Identify he was to surely Die. Adam was the first "Man" or "I". Before Adam their was only "The ALL" Ah.... pun intended..

Now, out the side of Adam was the creation of The You. The Female. A further separation or degeneration from the All or Perfection. Perfection is not the absence of error. Its the absence of Sin or I. Inwhich that perfection does not exist for there is only All. How can you measure the All? What can you messure the All against if it is the All?

The Killing of the King is also know as The Killing of The Ego or The I. The Killing of The King ritual denotes "You are all the Same". Which is a religious tactic of separation/ segregation. Dominance to be exact. A more holistic approach would be "We are all the same", but under the notion of a King "We" are not. "I" am better than you! My royality is better than "you".

The "I" is a religious practice.  This statement alone is what scholarly cats mean when they say "The Bible is The White Man's Book" Meaning "The White Man" is the founder an instigator of "The I". Or Separation. The White Man does not automatically denote to the European. The Mandingo was often noted in history to be "A White Man". Or Separate from The All which is Black. Look in the Sky and count the number of Stars... Now count the number of Black. All Black, White stars...

There was no sense of Self or I, prior to the Creation of The Bible. More correctly put, there was know push of propaganda for Self Identify or Ego, prior to the Bible. The problem is, cats cannot fathom a world without Them In It. Without I in it. I know cats are reading this right now thinking  how can I distinguish myself from the next person with the use of I? How can I distinguish whats Mines from whats Yours without the use of I? Yet all of those thoughts are thoughts of Selfishness and Ego.

The King is the Owners of the I narrative.  The Master is the owner of the I. Slaves can not use I. Slaves use We... "We sick massa?" The King would kill you in historic times if you used the term I.

"I had a dream"~Martin Luther King.

They didnt kill the King for a dream, they killing him for an I...

Fear and Shame are the lowest level of consciousness. This is what the Bible/Christianity and operate with. Judgemental is their vehicle.  Yet you cannot Judge what you can not see. No Light, no judgment. Meaning if noone come forward or separate and say I did it or He did it how can a Judge Judge. "The Code of Enoch". Manipulation of humanity.

In closing and resolve... If you have not gathered it by now. Is to control your Identity or Image in dominant society or media. Thats the first step. Actually the second step. The first step is, overstanding "The I". Second step is controling the I within the masses and gloabally.

The Hardest book out the Bible is l... The Book of Enoch

Monday, October 6, 2014

Trust Issues Repel B*tches

Trust Issues are good bitch repellent.

Check it... When aspiring to catch or attract a worthy female counterpart, having trust issues will fuck your game up. Reason being is that will you approach the female you are attempting to attract, you will give off the negative vibrations stored in your lower chakra. These vibrations resonate even when you attempt to get chose with your mouth closed, and have women approach or choose you. If you don't understand vibrations and waves, I'll give it to you from the physical aspect. Your mannerism and body language will read:

I don't trust you

I'm disinterested in you

You might as well be talking to a wall

All in all. Your game will lack its victorious luster. You will be exhibiting the way of a victim. Carrying all of your past failure into future productive relationships. And we all know. "No one likes a victim!" Initially you might receive sympathy interest and attention from her, but through time your deep rooted troubles and self doubt will cause you to blow the bitch. And as a man, you are responsible for you emotions. And having them "IN CHECK!"

You see your trust issue stem from past failures, let downs, and Fear. Fear of those failures and let downs repeating theirself. Game Baggage! With a full bag you can not bag.

That being said one should check their emotions and change their approach. As to not being hit with that double edge sword. And creating a new cycle of failure due to carrying negative energy. And not check it.

It would be wise to follow these steps.

1. Check your emotions: emotions are important. Their like back up sensors. Unchecked emotions mixed with low level masculinity(hence why they went unchecked in the first place) breath life into a defective ego. Being in possession of and unchecked, defective, ego leads to you loosing your ability to think properly. A defective ego that continues to go "unchecked" will grow to become "The Possesor!" That's right. You will become Possesed! The first step to avoid and reverse this phenomenon, is that of LETTING GO/FORGIVENESS and enter the realm of the Omnipresent OBSERVER.

   "OVERstand as appose to underSTAND"

2. Observe. Now that you have checked your emotions, checked your ego, and entered the meceriful realm of The Observer. You can now see and think clearly. With this new clear vision of yours, you should be observing two things:

   the root of the initial problem that caused you to first come to posses trust issues. So that you have a point of reference as to where not to return to. As it pertains to that particular source. "We forgive we don't forget"

And two, Observe the person standing before you. For what they are. What they are saying. How they are moving. What are they offering. And what are they asking you. This should be done free of expectations due to the fact that you have removed all preconceived notions about them. And that now, you genuinely do not know her. This will add to your sincerity and genuine interest to get to know her. You have now gained POWER over yourself, your opinion of her, and the situation. With power comes the necessity to apply it. And that takes COURAGE!

3. Courage: Courage is the complete absence of fear. Yet it differs from foolishness and skepticism. Courage requires a sound mind to take a leap of faith based on  positive affirmations. To keep from inflating the ego again. These affirmations should only be made based off of real shit; "I've done this before. I can mentally handle this. I'm prepared for the outcome win or lose. This will be a breeze." Now that all the metaphysical are in position it's time for the act. The physical synchronization with the metaphysical.

4. The Approach: this is where 90% of failing guys choke. They either freeze up, retreat to old habits, or abort the mission completely. And it's all because of one thing. Well actually two but one in particular. Failure to whole heatedly follow the previous steps and most likely missing the biggest one. Managing EXPECTATION.

When you approach a female. Don't Expect shit outside of your control. Don't expect her to like you. Don't expect her to remember you from last week. Only expect to be in control of you at that stage of the game. Expect to "know what YOUR  gonna do initially and what your gonna do if she's not in accordance" which if your not a thirsty nigga will be move the fuck on.(not expecting any from her is not the same as not holding her accountable. But remember, you can only account for something that you know the history of. And it this stage in the game. YOU DONT).

So now that you are Free, Powerful, and know what to Expect. You can spit you game and say what you want.

Hopefully it'll be something tongue in cheek like "I don't know what your gonna do tonight, But Bitch I'M WINNING!!"

Exactly $27.43
~HighLife Phi

Oh. This game can be used by ladies too. I would just modify the Title for y'all to say "Trust issues repel Bitch ass Niggas"

Because real players expect you not to trust us... Lmaoo