For thousand of years we have sought after or heard of this mystic Fountain Of Youth. Many haven fallen victim to the belief and misconception that the Youth this fountain manifest is the youth of time. Many believe this fountain will deliver the benefits of immortality and or has the ability to reverse the wear and tear of aging. Which it does to a degree. Just not in the retrospect that they seek. With that being said let's get into the game and get WET!!!
Now to clarify that I'm not gonna sit here and tell y'all that I have found the Fountain of youth. Because that would be a egotiscal lie. What I have found or for a better term have been ENLIGHTEN to through being a practioner of philosophy. Is the root understanding of the metaphysics of The Fountain of Youth. Which is..... It's a FOUNTAIN. And what does a fountain poses? WATER. For those that are unaware of the benifts of water as it pertains to abundance should search for Brotha Gatez thread on the topic. I'm not gonna get it to that here because as I countlessly said I am not a intellectual I'm a practioner. And as a practioner its my duty to put the things that intellectuals deliver into practice and fruitation. Architecting and manifesting rituals of progression and development for elavation and enlightenment. So walk up the stairs with me as I share three Water Rituals that I believe every Mack should put into practice to enter and receive all the benefits of the realm of abundance. And the Blessings of the Fountain of Youth.
First. The first thing Every day a Mack should put in his body is aleast a full cup of room temperature water. Not cold water. Not hot water. Room temperature water. You really shouldn't drink cold water or cold drinks period but again that's another thread. If you really want to enjoy the fruits of the fountain of youth philosophy then you should squeeze one lemon into the glass of water. This should be the first thing you put into your body everyday. Every morning. By the First thing that also means before you brush your teeth!!!
Second gem is adding Steam into your life. The Brotha Dejuty calls it facial tinting. But the ritual goes as follows. Add water to a large pot. A cask iron pot would be best. Do not fill the pot. Only add enough water that it will stay hot and produce enough heat and steam for 15 minutes. Bring the pot of water to a boil. Once boiling remove from stove(do not microwave the water). Place the pot on a towel somewhere that's comfortable for you to sit at. Sit the pot of water before you. drape a large towel over your head and over the pot. Entrapping the steam from the boiling water within tha towel. And bring it in contact with you. While receive the benefits of facial tinting, aldo take DEEP breaths through your nose and out you mouth. As to breath in the water as you did with the womb.
Thirdly. A Mack should take ALEAST one soaking bath every week. More if possible. Now tap water has alot of estrogen related minerals in it. And that's that shit we don't like. So you want to get the water as Alkaline as possiple. You can but I don't use Epsom salt. I would recommend getting your hands on some PINK Himalayas Salt. (You can also cook with that as well).
We are made up of mainly water. As a New Born we are closest to perfection. In fact we are perfect in every rite but that another thread. Since birth we have been trying to get back into pussy. But what we really have been trying to do is get back into the realm of abundance and in contact with water. So as adults we should incorporate as much contact with water as we can. And poses as much water as we can!
Simplicity give way to Adundence~ HighLife Phi
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